Opening birthday gifts: Email dings payment notifications. Email dings additional bookings.
Snuggling my nephew’s cats: Messenger inquiry and “yes please send me that invoice.”
Reading my fantasy book: Messenger “I’m in! Please send me that invoice!”
Baking apple pie: “I’m in! Please send me that invoice!”These are how the sales go for me..Yes, I swear I do get online and write copy and meet with clients.This is a THING when you work with The Universe and allow yourself to be on the Super Highway of abundance.
I’m now known for sales/bookings coming in from perfect fit women while:
Horseback riding
Playing in the snow
Driving around looking at Christmas lights/Halloween deco
rWatching the international space station fly overhead with my neighbors.And it’s all set up so first thing in the morning I see money deposited in my account. Before my AM tea.
Not cause I have a great angle or paid for funnels and ads out the bum bum.It’s because I put simple items in place to allow in the women who are ready to quantum leap with The Universe (and step into 6 and 7 Figures. Legit.)
and I follow my own Universe guidance.And shifted into the Super Highway of Abundance.You can do all that too.Quicker than you think.
You just need to have the basics down (you’ve been in business for several years) and lean into The Universe.
I can show you how.
The Universe has simple containers for you to receive the powerful 3 part solution to your next clients and cash…..WITHOUT a year-long complicated program.
The simple 3 parts areReceive guidance from The UniverseAllow the energetic shifts to happen (I call it Aligned Action Treatment and it’s like a Universe massage in your energy)Ask questions. Take aligned action steps
Seriously. That simple.
Women have seen their businesses expand. Including things like their confidence. Recognizing synchronistic opportunities. Growing fully into their MEANT to exist as energyAll for an investment point that will have your jaw drop.
Does this sound like something you’d desire? If so email me “Expand!” at amanda@amandakunkel.com