šŸ“¢šŸ“¢Hard truths about 7 Figures.šŸ“¢šŸ“¢

Do you think you are ready to expand into 7 Figures in your business because:

1.) You are excited to let the world in on your EXPERT of expert skills, where you are standing on top of the highest skyscraper in your industry, leading the world, among experts in their industries (who you now get to call friends)?

2.) You think that 7 Figures means you wonā€™t have to worry about money anymore?

3.) A little of both?

Iā€™ve got some crap news for you: If you are worried about money now (or it tends to be your go-to), you will be worried about money even at the Multi 7 Figure status.

This also means you are treating money how most of the world does: as a hard to attain THING that is the gatekeeper to safety, security, and even a reflection of your skills.  

Iā€™m here to tell you that money is simply your dreams and fear in tangible form. Therefore if you are worried about money, you are leaning into your fear (not your dreams). Aaaaaaand it’s keeping you right where you are.Ā Ā 

If you are truly ready for 7 Figures it needs to be because you are the Expert, of experts, in your industry.Ā 

If you have NOT looked around and noticed you are THE Expert in your industryā€¦..then 7 Figures isnā€™t for you, (yet).

As The Expert of experts, you would be ready to perch yourself (even if it makes you a little nervous and excited at the same time) on the tallest skyscraper in your industry. STANDING OUT like a lighthouse in the night, from all others.

Where your confidence and DEEP KNOWING of your skillset and ability to transform clients/customerā€™s lives, is second nature.

Because you are Trusting The Universe.

Youā€™d rather be there than stuck in the noise of the rest of your industry or stuck in your money stuff which feels comfortable because youā€™ve been there for years.

Because you are walking hand in hand with The Universe.Ā 

In fact, as The Expert of experts, you look at other True leaders in their industry and ALREADY identify with them as peers. (And not the peeps youā€™ve been circling for yearsā€¦.who you have already been distancing yourself from).

Money Shit is a safety net to make you feel secure because your ego knows you will never move beyond it (or grow). Read that TWICE.

Look deep inside and decide if you fall into option 1,2 or 3.  

The clients in my Elite SuperPower fall into 1 or 3.Ā Ā 

I never take anyone on stuck who is completely stuck with 2. And itā€™s easy, I never have to say no. They look at the investment and truly believe they could never make it back, let their money story take over, and go running, It makes my job a lot easier.Ā 

I do have a few clients who are a mixture of both 1 and 2 because even though they have a little tiny bit of a money story left they push past their shit and step forward into the women they were born to become.

That SKILL is part of what makes them an Expert. They see their shit and go, ā€œI got this.ā€ Because they know that no one else can fix it for them nor would they place that on anyone else.

So which are you?

1.) The Expert of Experts

2.) Stuck in money fear

3.) A combination of both but can look the fear in the eye, grab itā€™s balls and say, ā€œMove over Fucker. Iā€™ve got this.ā€?

Let me know! Send me an e-mail atĀ Amanda@amandakunkel.com to connect.

Keys to 7 Figures

Use your own intuition and be guided by The Universe, on your own unique path to 7 Figures! Grab your copy HERE.