Intuitive Business Leaders

As a powerhouse businesswoman and an intuitive/psychic/healer/channel, you hold the keys to the future of how business is done.   

YOU have the pulse of the collective.

I know you have an intuitive vision for the next year (or more) that you want to share.

One where you don’t just tell people what you see coming or happening in business during the next year….


A powerful call to action for how each woman can thrive during this time.

Your deeply seeded purpose is the inspiration that allows you to show up every day.  

Not all businesswomen have that, yet.  

In an era where we have seen profoundly gifted women give up on their business, family, and even lives, your vision and guidance is vital.

We have a place for that game-changing story.

Right now Amanda Kunkel and Cori Wamsley (Aurora Corialis Publishing) are looking for 12 intuitive businesswomen who not only are powerhouses in their business but also guide or coach their clients to success using their divine gift of intuition.  Where they are craving to share their story in a group book.

I know that Source/Universe/God/Goddess has put this passion in your being and you identify your business as part of your calling.

We want you to share about:

Your intuitive gifts and how they have been your guiding business power

What you see/ have been shown for the way for heart-centered business owners to stay IN PROFIT and thriving over the next 12 months

Pitfalls for entrepreneurs to avoid

How your own journey as an intuitive business owner makes you the Go TO for this time.

And most of all, how you see other intuitive business owners can THRIVE as we shift to the NEW way of business.

Amanda and Cori seek to showcase how heart-centered intuitive women of TRUTH will be the example of the way forward for all business.  

Your story and vision of the future are exactly what is needed to inspire women business owners right now.

As well as giving them the practical know-how to stay in profit and thriving during these turbulent times.  

The TRUTH and sure-footed KNOWING from within you are the guiding forces that so many are looking for at the moment.  Where your trust is built.

Want to join us for this powerful mission-driven Anthology?

As a contributing author you get to share your 2000-word vision, plus up to 500-worded author bio.

Amanda Kunkel will be the featured author in this book (her chapter will come first and be longer)

You’ll learn about writing your story through coaching with Aurora Corialis:

•3 group calls with Cori Wamsley of Aurora Corialis Publishing, the Project Manager, and all the authors to answer questions and discuss storytelling best practice

•Editing by a contractor of Aurora Corialis Publishing (two rounds, the first approved by the author, the second to ensure that no errors were introduced) 

•Layout by Aurora Corialis Publishing for ebook and paperback publishing 

•Book cover design by a contractor of Aurora Corialis Publishing; Contributor will receive a promo copy of the cover for use on social media and printing 

•Sample emails and social media copy to mimic for your bestseller campaign 

•Guidance from Cori Wamsley on the bestseller campaign 

•PR provided by contractors of Aurora Corialis Publishing, surrounding the launch period

•Ability to place orders for books for the author to sell on their own at any time and in any quantity (we recommend at least 10 per order to balance out shipping costs)

In just 3 months you will have your chapter to share with this anthology!

Together we will choose a not-for-profit organization for all royalties and profits from book sales to go to.

Plus you will receive the following:

•Author spotlights with Amanda Kunkel’s audience:

Facebook Live interviews to showcase your unique intuitive talents

Opportunity to share a gift connected to your chapter through Amanda’s email list and private Facebook community

Networking with fellow CoAuthors

*Feel like your vision would be a great addition to this book? PM me on Facebook. We’ll have a short conversation to see if this would be a great fit and I’ll share further details.